The aim of this Project was to use the body to create a 3D work of art.
after looking at a number of influences including the death mask and human remains i came to the design of using fabric stretched over the face to record the resulting shadows and shapes.
the images below are a selection from the photographs that came as a result of the idea.
when looking at the photographs i had taken of the fabric stretched over the face i realised that the images would look more interesting if the shadows and highlights were more contrasting so i used photoshop to manipulate the images so that she shapes of the face were more pronounced. below are the edited photographs.
i thought the edited photographs i had taken turned out really successful and so i chose to take the idea further. i took my Xray Imitations and edited them on to the photoshopped images i had already done.
below are some examples of the outcomes of photoshopping photograms on to the face-stretched fabric images.
I like this image because it is more abstract. I used a photogram of a pelvis which accentuated the shadows of the face and worked really well. i like how the face is not immediately obvious but almost "pop's out" at you when you are not expecting it.
i think this image is really interesting but it doesnt have the eerie effect i was looking to get from it. i think the shape of the face showed up most successful on this image but the photogram of a section of a ribcage looks almost like zebra stripes.
For this photogram i tried to use filters and different effects on the photogram before layering it over the photograph. i like the face section of the image but the lighter area of fabric to the left doesnt look as effective.
after experimenting with the layering of photograms i decided that most images looked better without being layered. the photograph below is my most successful outcome of stretching fabric over the face. i thisk the way that i have desaturated every part of the image except the fabric worked well because it gives the photograph a spookier and more old fashioned feel.
i think that the photo worked so well because of a number of elements, the dark shadow under the chin and the black frame add depth to the image and the hands holding on to the frame are quite disturbing.
really interesting photos, some are quite creepy. what type of fabric did you use?